Monday, June 26, 2017

Father's Day

This Father's Day was great--the kids get SOOO excited about holidays and simple little gifts, it makes it so much more fun! Sterling really should win father of the year award for this past year--and for the past two weeks. Juggling med school, orientation for third year, studying for Step (!!!), moving, painting our last apartment in quite a few spots, getting me and the kids and my mom to and from the hospital and airport and home, sitting with me all day at the hospital and writing a paper there, I mean...I can keep going. Med school life with FOUR kids is not an easy feat. It's definitely not a normal/easy way to have a family. He's pretty happy that life has slowed down enough that starting today he has ONE GOAL from now until August 2nd. Step 1 studying. I think that would make him MORE happy if it wasn't so terrifying. Keep us in your prayers that we can pass and move on to third year!!! 

All that to say--this man is pretty awesome. I think we'll keep him.
He loved it. Which thrilled the kids.

Ruth got to hide this under her bed the day before and she was just ecstatic waiting!

Random photos of Molly playing house.

She is such a cutie.

On Father's Day we had Russell's baby blessing. I think that is really, really neat that he got blessed on Father's Day. 

After dinner we decided to take a walk in this cute little downtown part of Delray Beach that mom and I had driven past to go to the beach earlier in the week. It was a little less exciting than I had anticipated, but still very enjoyable and the weather felt amazing.

This fountain has some serious character.

The canal was a lot dirtier than I expected. But we DID see several boats go by AND see the bridge go up and down for them which was SUPER exciting for the kids. So that was pretty great.

We had already seen this bridge go up and down, and then we walked across it because Will really wanted to. Well, another boat went by and the lights started flashing to not cross because it was going to go up. We were about half way across. So Sterling walks ahead with the stroller and doesn't realize that Ruth was FREAKING OUT that the bridge was going to open with us on top of it (it wasn't. The lady was watching us out of her lookout window.) and we literally had to haul her backwards off the bridge because she wouldn't go forward. Silly girl. We reassured her several times, and then when we finally did cross the bridge, the lady came out to reassure her some more. Poor girl. 

Mom made us a DELICIOUS Father's Day dessert per my request. Haha. She made this 4th of July brownie/fruit pizza last summer when I was there and I LOVED it. So I wanted her to make it so I could re-create it here for our 4th. And I can't wait. I literally lived on these leftovers for three days after mom left haha. 

Will is such a great big brother. He is so awesome at being soft and gentle.

Our new house! Best part--people leave stuff out here and it DOESN"T GET STOLEN! So our kids can just jump on their bikes and head out without us having to unlock them every time. So wonderful.

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!! 4 kids looks good on you.

Kisses for Baby Russ.

Awww, I love this man.

He's just SOOOOOO perfect!

Oh, this was in the morning of Father's Day. They played Chutes and Ladders. Lets just say...maybe next time we'll fudge when Will is about to fall down the ladder that takes you from the very top to the very bottom....haaha.

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