Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Russell's First Week

Teeny tiny newborns are SUPER hard to get decent pictures of. Their faces shlump and shlide all over their chests and as adorable as that is in REAL life, in pictures it never shows the same. Plus, the lighting in our new apartment is terrible. While it is wonderful for our a/c bill--not so wonderful for perfectly lighted pictures. Oh well. Here are what I do have to document Russell's first week of life.
Just starting to open his eyes. He kept his eyes closed more and longer than my other kids, probably because he was so early.

He was making ornery faces because of the flash.

Will cuddled right up with Russ for a long, long time.

She loves him FIERCELY, for about two seconds and then she's done, haha.

Will picked out his clothes that day: light blue, dark blue--just like his favorite clothes.

Stop it with the flash, mom!
 Here is my attempt to use what little sunlight we were getting to take one week old pictures. He looks ADORABLE.

That head of hair! It is SOOOOO velvety soft and wonderful, everyone who walks by has to rub it because it just feels like the softest thing you could imagine. I love it so much.

1 comment:

Cindy Ball said...

I love all the pictures!