Monday, June 24, 2019

Beach Day

I honestly deleted soooo many pictures of this beautiful water. Sterling had two weeks off. One of which he spent driving us to Utah, the first of which he spent trying to do all the things he hasn't done in years, like a doctors appointment, oil changes, etc. He also had to spend one day at the hospital for pre-residency stuff and one day in Miami. He did make it to some swimming lessons to cheer on the kids, he took Russ to his 2 yr old check up one morning while I did swimming lessons, we did the carousel and park, and we fit in one beach day! And it was GORGEOUS! 

Russ, during Sterling's two weeks off when he was home for most dinners and breakfasts and a few extra activities, became even MORE of a daddy's boy, and it is the cutest thing in the world. It's a little tricky, considering I'm usually home and Sterling is not, but also, it is just the SWEETEST. So the beach was nice because I strapped on the babe and she slept the entire time and Russ stayed with Sterling and the older kids just played and played and played and played and played---as you will see in the pictures. The waves were really low-key, so there was a lot of jumping and diving and sea shell finding. I love the beach.

1 comment:

Kami said...

Makes me almost want to visit Florida!