Monday, June 24, 2019

Carousels and Swimming Lessons

Grace was a champ and got a nice tan (don't worry she had on tons of sun screen!) during the two weeks she was held all morning at swimming.
Swimming lessons was awesome this year-Will had a fantastic teacher and he was learning to breath while doing strokes and dive into the pool and all sorts of technical things. Ruthie was perfecting her stamina with a whole lotta dolphin kick and only leg/arms down the lane. Molly was working hard at trying to increase how long she can tread water and how far she could swim unassisted. They really did work so so hard and it was a great two weeks. It was also insanely humid and unbearably hot and stifling and I am really, really glad those two weeks are over.

Riding the carousel was on our kids' summer bucket list. We tried a while ago but right as they sat down on the horses, they told us to get off because of a thunder storm. So we came back!

We went to a magic show at the library and Will was picked to put on the anti-gravity helmet so he said "Blast-off" and defying gravity tricks would happen!

I took a lot of video the last day and I have yet to figure out putting video on blogger. But Ruthie got to race on this paddle board and it was awesome. They also all got to jump off the high dive and have some fun on the last day!

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