Saturday, June 22, 2019

Library Unicorn Party-Summer

Our library is super awesome. I knew we had two weeks between school ending and leaving for Utah and I scheduled swimming lessons every morning-and between the library and the YMCA we had an activity every single afternoon to choose from. It was especially lucky because rainy season hit with full force with earth-shattering thunder and lightning rain storms and we were stuck inside. So it was so nice to have somewhere to go! 

This was a unicorn party at the library. They had Bingo, coloring pages, unicorn name tags, masks, ring toss, bubbles--Russ's fav!- and treats. The kids loved it!

Cutie pie pictures of Gracie playing with her toes.


Movie night. This was Ferdinand.

Back to the library pics. So, as I mentioned, it was pouring rain, so Sterling dropped us off at the front and I was trying to grab all the kids and run in. I was getting Grace's carseat and heard Ruthie shrieking. Everyone in the library thought she was afraid of the incredibly loud thunder, but the automatic door had actually caught on her toe and it was TRYING to shut and she couldn't move. It was so, so, so sad! Super dad ran through the rain to come back and help me calm her down. Poor girl. Poor, wet dad.

This is the end of swimming lessons one day, Huxley's mom brought popsicles.

I love this. I love them.

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