Sunday, June 9, 2019

Gracie 5 1/2 months

Our tiny Gracie-girl is everything perfect about babyhood. You have to work for it, but she is laughing, she smiles all the time, she rolls over and over and over, she can hold things and put them in her mouth, and she has started with teething crackers and a little bit of baby food-which she loves. Everyone loves to carry her around (even up and down the stairs, which has been talked about REPEATEDLY) and I have to say that Ruthie, Will, and Molly are all really exceptional at handing her toys, blankets, and rocking her while I finish something up and it keeps her happy. Will calls it "baby magic" and he says that I have the most, and then...well, it gets a little competitive. They all beg to hold her in the tub and everyone stops and plays with her whenever they walk past. She is the apple of the entire family's eye and has completely stolen our hearts. Even Russ still begs to hold her and pats her on the back (or tummy, he doesn't realize that might not be as comfortable) and hands her toys. While she has had her fussy phases, she is generally such a great baby and such a great sleeper (only up once a night usually! YAY!) and all of the perfect softness and squishiness that you just have to snuggle your face into every 3 seconds. 

Always playing with and eating her toes, which is my FAVORITE thing ever.
I tried to take pictures of her in her blessing dress because I realized on her blessing day that we didn't take any of just her. But then I put it off...until a month later and all she wanted to do was eat her dress. I spent a good thirty minutes trying to snatch it out and snap a picture fast enough---about 200 attempts and barely any wins. Oh well! She loved it though, and thought the whole dress-snatching was a hilarious game.

Her little hand was clutching her chest because I had just gone in to tickle her. It makes my heart melt. 

Also, this was one of the ONLY outfits I bought when I was pregnant with her because I knew I had  clothes for her. But I am so glad I bought it--she is just perfection!!!!

1 comment:

Kami said...

She is such a beautiful baby!!!!