Saturday, June 22, 2019

Last Day Of School POOL PARTY!

 The neighborhood we live in, Bexley Park, is close enough to the elementary school that most of us walk (or drive closer to the edge of our neighborhood and park and walk the last street) and so we see each other morning and afternoon every single weekday. I am terrible at names and only after two years am I really starting to meet everyone. BUT I brought up the idea of a community pool party (everyone in Bexley Park has access to our community pool) after school on the last day and the other mom's at school pick-up ran with the idea and we had such a fabulous afternoon! It was BLISTERINGLY hot--we had to keep shoes by the pool because it was too hot to walk on the surface--but it felt fantastic! And it was so much fun to see all those kids together!
Three moms brought watermelon and kind of laughed that there would be too much, but oh no, it was so hot that was all anyone was eating and I'm pretty sure Russ ate an entire watermelon on. his own!

Nice big kids that play with my little kids!

They were doing frog-hop races into the pool. Very fun.

It really was the perfect way to end school and start summer! Welcoming JUNE and all that entails--endless summer storms and heat and humidity, haha!

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