Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I had two little munchkins again today---and it went great! It was my niece and nephew, 6 and 9 years old. I passed off two skills exams on my nephew and did three sealants so another girl could do the fourth. Kim also needed to pass off a skill, so she used him, and since Meagan cleaned him---FOUR people worked on him by the end!!!! What a trooper! It was a little long for him I think, but he actually did REALLY REALLY well :). I did four sealants on my niece, and she did really well too. It was a good day. I got tons accomplished that I needed before the end of the semester, and helped a couple other girls pass off their stuff too. Lucky my kids were so good so we COULD accomplish all of that! And really, is it SNOWING? GR!

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