Monday, April 6, 2009


Today was a 1B that was given to me by my peer pal. No xrays, no alt to hhx or tx, and I had her scaled in an hour and walked out about 40 minutes early! YAY! I can be somewhat fast! She was fairly easy...had quite a bit of build-up on her lower anteriors, who doesn't, right? I was CA this morning, that was a little, well boring actually. I have a feeling that when I am CA on Wednesday there will be a lot more involved in making sure EVERYTHING is put away and looks good, just because there isn't another clinic coming in to take over. It went well though. It made for a really long day, especially when its INCREDIBLY hot in the clinic, and it looks SO BEAUTIFUL and WELCOMING outside. Sigh. Three weeks. Three weeks and one year. Wow. I can't believe how time flies sometimes. I also cleaned Kelsie's retainer, haaha, I think our whole group of clinic has used her retainer to pass off that PE! Yesterday I went home for the weekend. I took some awesome pictures of dad's new baby colt! I will post them soon! SO CUTE!

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