Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Another One

My sister Andrea had a beautiful red-headed little boy yesterday (or so I've been told, I'm still anxiously awaiting an opportunity to go find out for myself). Instead of the name she had planned to name him the ENTIRE pregnancy, she switched and named him Eli. That is my name. She stole it from me. Ruff. Ruff. and ruff. His middle name is Winston. Thats what you get with a history buff sister. I have to go study for my last final now. I just got my braces changed and one tooth really hurts-but I'm almost done! And...MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!

1 comment:

Rockelle said...

Lindsey....NEVER tell anyone the names you plan on using....My husbands sister stole mine. "Kylie"
So thats why I have a Cassidy, Sarah & Abigail instead.