Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Last of Valentines....

Okay, so here are the picture of the institute dinner/dance that we were in charge of. I think the kissing picture turned out so cute, and the normal one I'm kinda disappointed in. I don't think either of us look our best, and we're both kinda cheesing it. Oh well. We had a LOT of fun, and I was SO happy I fit into my prom dress for ONE MORE dance!!!
It snowed last night. Goodbye to our 60 degree weather. Sigh. I was really enjoying the warm weather. I went to wash/clean our car yesterday, because I knew the bad weather was coming again, but it was so WINDY (and I always go to the clean-it-yourself washes) I thought I'd get sprayed with water the entire time. So I didn't. Maybe next time it warms up???

I have two new nieces, one born yesterday, and one born on Saturday: Karlee Ruth and Harriet Franceska. I am not responsible for the naming of my nieces. I am VERY grateful to my brother Derek and his wife Brooke for changing Ruth to the MIDDLE name, when they found out it has been my top favorite girls name for many, many years.

In a week and a half we find out if WE'RE having a boy or girl, and lets just say, I REALLY want a little Ruthie! (Although, my sister Amy definitely made that name easy to tease by introducing my husband to the movie Dan In Real Life. We love that movie. Now whenever I try to refer to my baby as a girl--because Sterling always refers to her as a 'him'---he starts singing "Ruthie...Pig Face...Draper!!!!" And I think...Oh no, my poor child.) Oh well. I still think its adorable, and cool to name her after my grandma. Plus, if its a boy, I have to decide if I'd really let my husband have a junior. I don't like it at all. But he's really stuck on the idea.

I told Sterling last night that supposedly our baby can hear outside noises now...and he started singing WAY off-key. If our baby is born tone deaf, we know who to blame.

Thats about all folks. I'm off to clean our little apartment. And try to make visiting teaching appointments. And practice a piano piece for Sunday. And a dozen other little things that make today feel like Saturday, except SATURDAY we'll be partying and celebrating my birthday!!!!


Kayli said...

I *LOVE* the kissing picture and am jealous of it. You guys have so many cute pictures of yourselves together (most courtesy of me. thank you.) j/k.

I can't wait to find out if you're going to be having a girl or follow in my footsteps adn have a boy first............. the suspense is killing me.

Brooke said...

we can't believe that you and Sterling would ever cheese it in any pictures. and Derek says that if you have a junior he is going to call him jimmer.

Andrea said...

You spell it with a z. Franceszka.