Sunday, December 30, 2012

Baby Shower--in NOVEMBER

Clear back in NOVEMBER we had a baby shower for me and my sister Andrea. She is due in March, just four weeks or so after me. My amazing sister Amy planned the shower for when she'd be visiting from Arizona, and it was awesome! I didn't pull out my camera, so I finally stole these pictures from my mom.
This is my AWESOME roommate from college, Kelsey. She is also a dental hygienist (she was just a year behind me in the program) and is expecting in March...I just went to her shower on Saturday! So excited for her!
Andrea and her friend.
Chantelle, Jennica, Meagan, Lindsay Ann, Megan, Amy
Olivia, Jack, Natalie, Preston, Kaden (on Meagan's lap)
I LOVE Natalie's blue eyes!

Aleesha gave me a wrap that I am super excited to try!

I put this picture and the next pictures on this post for my sister Andrea's benefit...she likes to steal my pictures and these are for her.

All the girls (we missed you Kami and Kayli and Brooke!): My mom, Andrea, Amy, Megan, Lindsay Ann, myself. Jack-Jack and Harriet also decided to be in the picture, aren't Harriet's curls the cutest EVER?
Trains and more trains, I LOVE this print! Thanks mom!

Friday, December 28, 2012


A whole slew o' Christmas...
Pj's. Wyatt. HAHA.
Cassidy's pants were too big and wouldn't stay up. HAHAHAAA!
The Nativity

Some Christmas wrestling.
Uncle Ethan

The spray bottle game.

Danica kept spraying for FAR too long!

Our adorable stockings. I am so in love with them.
Lined up on Christmas morning.

Jack was so in LOVE with this Woody. It was awesome.
Awww...cutest little girl ever!

Ruthie liked her legos, but I think Lindsay Ann needs to invest in some...for Wyatt. Haahaa.

The Christmas splendor.


Best present EVER!
Ruthie's pj's might have been a little bit big too. Haha.
Basically it was a WONDERFUL Christmas! Ruthie got a new doll...her very first! She has some loyalty issues, right now she goes to bed with her doll AND her teddy bear haha. We were so lucky to spend so much time with family, eat so much good food, and play so many AWESOME games---watch for Andrea's post on Cyrano.(And I'm a HUGE BUM and forgot to pull my camera out the entire time we were at Cindy's. I'll have to take some pictures of the toys...especially the nesting dolls she got for Ruth, Ruth LOVES them!) Now I had better go change my daughter's stinky diaper.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Winter Wonderland

Cassidy, Eli, Ruthie, Harriet (Ruthie kinda squished poor Harriet on more than one occasion. Luckily, Harriet didn't seem to mind at all.)
I was just going to post a few pictures of Christmas...then I got distracted by how much FUN Christmas Eve was. The snow was perfect. The company was hilarious. The kids were happy as clams, and there were snow boots and hats and gloves and winter pants EVERYWHERE afterwards. Perfection.

Me, Harriet, Ruth

Making the best Frosty snowman EVER. (The snowman was named by Cassidy.)

Emeline, Cassidy, Eli, Jack
I could NOT get over the cuteness of that puffy bundle!!!!!! 
It was quite windy, so we let the little kids play on the front porch to block the wind. Mom had laundry going, and through the vents we could SMELL the wintergreen glass candy she was making. Playing in the snow and SMELLING CHRISTMAS all at the SAME TIME, how amazing is that?!?

Andrea, Cowen, Emeline, Cassidy, Hailey, Lindsay Ann, Sterling, Ruth, Grandpa Jack

Dad was quite happy with how the snowman turned out since we had to ask him to come over and help us lift the middle onto the snowman. (we had too many pregnant people helping that couldn't lift)


My sister Andrea didn't bring snow clothes (oh wait, Sterling and I only brought Ruth's things...there wasn't any snow at our houses when we left for mom's!) and when dad noticed her attire he said "Hey! That's my coat!" and Andrea said "Mom told me to wear it." and Dad responded, "Well, she is the boss." Haahaa

Jack-Jack and Lindsay Ann

Lindsay Ann, Jack, Cassidy (the snow was tasty)

Jack. I LOVE this picture!

Cowen, Sterling, Ruthie

Harriet--cutest picture ever!

Basically, it was an afternoon of blissful snow. So much fun. And now, the day after Christmas, it is snowing at OUR house! It is beautiful! I am so happy we got snow for Christmas!