Tuesday, August 15, 2017


I got some photos taken of the kids at JCPenney's the other day. It's generally cheaper than school pictures and all my kids were hitting milestones I usually take pictures at-turning 6, turning 3, and 2 months. They actually all turned out really well (yay! that never happens!), did you see Molly's on facebook? I am just dying over her sweetness. I tried to take some on my camera afterwards, and while I got some cute ones, I can't wait to see Molly's because she definitely didn't give me any true smiles here.
This pretty girl and all her freckles on her nose. Man, when Sterling and I were dating Lynnaea was 7 or 8 which is just older than Ruthie and she had this adorable spread of freckles across her nose and Sterling would call her 'Freckles' and it was so cute. Fast forward almost ten years and we have a daughter that age...and this is just crazy and I am getting old! But those freckles. They are perfection. 

He has been doing this ridiculous move-my-lips-up-but-scowl-at-the-same-time face that just makes me think of a cartoon, haha. So I count myself lucky we caught one good one! And he just looks oh, so sweet! 

These are good kids, right here. They were braving the mosquitoes to give me 'just one more smile!'. 


I tried to snap a couple of Russ, but it was really sun-shiney and so his eyes were closed in all of them, which is sad because he has the most handsome eyes! And then he was pretty done because he'd already gone through pictures once that morning, and I suppose that is a pretty full schedule for a babe. Oh I just love him though!

She is sooooo cute and so tall!

Sometimes babies crying is just the cutest thing ever!

Again, trying to catch this adorable smile he has been giving us lately, but just catching the tail end. Still SUPER cute though!
I also just love that squished cheek-into-the-chest look. Babies are just the best!

Thanks to my sweet kids for looking so cute and smiling so well for pictures this time around. At least we'll have great pictures of a 6 yr old, 4 1/2 yr old, 3 yr old, and 2 month old for posterity. I'm not going to promise anything from here on out!


Kayli said...

Soooo cute! Russ is still reminding me of Talmage. Which means, super cute, obviously. :)

Bridget said...

I'm so Jealous of the cheeks on your babies they are to die for!