Tuesday, October 30, 2018


In random order, thanks to blogger, here are a bazillion photos of the ocean. Because it has been a really, really stormy summer/fall season here and we have had all sorts of things like extreme sea weed due to a random current from Mexico or something like that, and Red Tide that has shut down the beaches for a few days...so BASICALLY what I'm trying to say here is that it's been awhile since our beach has been the beautiful, serene, lovely beach that we all know and love. 

But this day did not disappoint. The water was CRYSTALLINE--you could walk out to your waist and still see your toes. There were all these see-through schools of fish that swam by and you could see them from their ripples and it was amazing. Even Sterling, who is not the biggest fan of the beach and only came because I begged and used the pregnancy card (it's tricky for me to take the kids alone while pregnant like I would normally do) said that he was glad he came. 

The weather here has dropped from the mid 90s to the mid 80s during the day and it's FALL because the temp is lowering at night! In the summertime there is really no relief, the heat stays all through the night. But in the wintertime, we have already seen some 68 degree mornings! Yahoo! It makes the heat so much more bearable. The sunshine makes it perfect for the beach, but we weren't sweating walking out there. Perfection, in every way.
30 weeks

Sterling kept taking pictures of me.

Look! No seaweed!

I took over 200 pictures of that water rolling in. There is NOTHING like watching that crystal clear water roll over itself coming in.

See what I mean about that water?!?!

I bought a cap for Ruthie to defend against the seaweed--it took three washes to get it out after our last beach trip. But she ended up taking it off because it wasn't really necessary after all.

Guys I want to go back SOOOO bad! You think living here would make it so easy! I even asked a friend to go with me on Tuesday but then Will keeps having allergic reactions and staying home from school sick and I just want to go back to the ocean please!

Sterling played frisbee with the kids for forever. Russ wasn't loving the water (I think it is because he likes to splash and then the water stings, but he doesn't understand why.) so I sat by him in the sand. It was such a fun thing to keep looking up and seeing them having so much fun together. I am so glad my kids have such a great dad and also that they have each other to play with forever!

We also had to dig a hole until we reached water, because that's their jam lately.

Sterling took Russ out to see if he could get him to like the water. I love it when it's so calm and you can walk so far out!

Ummm yeah, it dropped below 90 by one degree and she was cold outside of the water. What can I say, she is a Miami baby.

Ruth and Will are really great at floating around on their boogie boards.

I love you, beach.

1 comment:

Kami said...

Beautiful!!! Actually tempted to come visit you. :)