Monday, September 15, 2008


I would just like to notify everyone that something alarmingly, blissfully, awe-inspiringly, happy happened to me. My manager called me on Saturday and begged me to work today. Finally, I said yes, even though I knew that might mean I would be up until the wee hours of the morning just to fit in some homework between getting off work at 11pm and having class at 7am. Then I get to work, and my coworker Ben was there. WHAT?? So I said, what are YOU doing here? He said he worked until close. I thought that was ridiculous, cause it is a Monday night, and it will be incredibly slow, and there is absolutely no reason why there should be two of us there---there usually isn't. So I called the MOD(manager on duty) and explained that I had only come in because I thought I was desperately needed, and I was very pleased that I was not, and could I PLEASE go home? She said yes. YEAH! You cannot imagine my inexplicable joy and acute happiness at that one simple word. So I did just that. And now I am back at the library studying so I stay somewhat focused tonight. HAPPY JOY!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Glad you got to go home - hope you got your homework done and got some sleep too!!!! Sounds like clinicals are going good - when are you coming to visit?? We miss You!!! Have a good day!