Saturday, September 20, 2008

FAQ's Gleaned Insofar From Fall Semester 2008

-It is possible to eat one entire box of Frosted Flakes in two days.
-It is also possible to eat three bowls of Frosted Flakes in two minutes.
-It takes 44 nickels to pay for one gallon of milk.
-Why is it that popsicles taste best when partially melted, so you have to eat them really fast so they don't fall off the stick, and then you get a head freeze?
-It is possible to eat one loaf of home-made zucchini bread in two meals.
-It is possible, when sitting on any sort of chair, to fall asleep midsentence.
-Is there a reason the apartment suddenly get noisiest at 11:30PM?
-You can fit 5 girls, one camping stove, one 8-man tent, and a cooler, with food and overnight bags in one Buick Century for three days.
-Library computers hate my password.
-Chocolate is good for you. (I realize this is a previously proven fact, I would just like to reiterate it)
-Riding your bike with 50+lbs of books on your back makes the seat a LOT harder.
-Ramen tastes better at 11:00PM
-The Lord made us fear death so that we wouldn't commit suicide.
-Professor's that really want you to learn are REALLY rare, but REALLY appreciated.
-How many types of food a day is nutritious, and do animal crackers fill all the requirements?
-No water in the morning really bites.
-Changing poopy diapers gets really old, really fast.
-My room goes in cycles. Clean. Not clean.
-Dishes don't do themselves... and neither does homework.
-I really need to get paid! (Money goes out faster than it comes in)
-Bikes were sent from heaven.
-After five years of not doing gymnastics, it really hurts.
-Sometimes good intentions don't last.
-Good shoes are essential.
-If you see someone with one pant leg rolled up, it means they have been riding a bike

*Thanks Aleesha for your great additions.
*Feel free for all college students, and graduated students to comment and add to my list of noted facts and questions. It could be interesting :)

1 comment:

Aleesha Burke said...

When you are almost 5"2' and your date is 6"8' it makes it really hard to have a conversation while walking through a large crowd.