Friday, January 30, 2009

Too Much

I thought last weekend was too much, but I kept thinking "After giving my Relief Society lesson, after an 8 hour shift, after...." that things would calm down. This week has just gone from crazy hectic to, hold-on-for-your-life-cause-its-going-CRAZY hectic. It's ok though, as soon as I vent for one quick moment, I will go study for an hour, and things will feel better, right?? Okay, maybe that only happens once you've graduated. One year, Lindsay, one year, I can make it!

Lindsay's To Do List for the next 48 hours:
-attend a guest lecture that I'm really annoyed she's giving points out to attend and am seriously contemplating skipping
-studying for a perio test that I should get at least 3 more full hours of devoted study of, but probably will average more like one hour
-get my eyes checked and dilated because for the past week and a half I have had two right contacts...fine for things close up, but it wigs my eyes out when I have to look far away
-babysit for Wyatt, which is when I plan to study, so I'm not that annoyed---his kids are good, right?????
-go to the Special Olympics for the entire night of Friday, I am excited for this in and of itself, because I think it will be fun, but also because it fulfills two service hour requirements simultaneously
-study at least 5 or 6 hours for a dental hygiene test, that THANKFULLY got extended to Monday, but unfortunately, that still leaves me very little time, since I will probably be taking my perio test on Saturday, so maybe pull a 4am monday morning???
-work an 8-hr shift at JCP which will be excruciating just because I know how much I SHOULD be studying....I've seriously contemplated calling in sick. Just this once???
-And study some more...but really, I don't see any time in there for studying. ????!!!!!?!!!!?

Okay now that I have vented...I will go and study, at least for the next forty minutes until class starts. You'd think I would have been prepared previously for this test, but in my defense I worked last night, I was in school all day, I studied until I fell asleep on the couch and woke up with a crink in my neck even with eating popcorn to stay awake, and I had an oral pathology test earlier this week that I was more worried about because it was more imminent. That is my disclaimer. I know you all didn't want to listen to this rambling, and probably just want to yell at me "buck up camper, because lots worse could happen" but I just wanted to have my own pity party for a second. Thank you.

1 comment:

Heather and Jake said...

Pity parties are awesome! Linds I feel for ya and know to a slight extent of how ya feel :) Hang in there and hopefully you have time to watch a movie with me sooner or later and we can eat all sorts of yummy foods!