This is her first real pair of bluejeans, and LOOK HOW ADORABLE those little legs are!!! I couldn't get over it, all day long. She's not the easiest to take pictures of lately though, cause those little legs are constantly in motion! |
Look how cute those legs are!!!! |
We went on a hike yesterday morning, because the leaves are changing, and I want to go out and enjoy every single second of it! Ruth had a pretty good time, despite her nose that seems to be running a million miles a minute. |
The light was still coming over the mountain and the lighting was beautiful! |
We saw this cute little bridge. But it was a different trail. We decided we'd try it sometime in the next couple of weeks. |
Family picture. |
Okay, take another look at those ADORABLE little legs poking out of that big dress! |
And the pig tails. Aren't they so ADORABLE? |
I know this is an odd picture. But she looks SO GROWN UP walking away from me all on her own. Oh sad day. And look at the little dimples on her fingers, I love those SO SO SO SO much! |
And look at those gorgeous eyelashes. |
Gorgeous little girl. |
I called daddy for some smile back-up. He did a wonderful job, even if she was sitting in poor lighting. |
I wish I had my sister Kayli's talent to capture the moment. Ruth is SO hard to sit still for a picture right now, and I feel like she is at just one of the most adorable stages ever. She is so much fun.
Except during church. Does anyone have any great advice for 13 month olds at church? We have five more months before nursery and I feel like they are going to last FOREVER. Plus, I'll just get her to nursery and then we'll have another one, who planned that anyway? (at least they don't overlap) IF we get her to take her morning nap early, and IF she stays down for a decent amount of time, then she usually does great for about the first 15 minutes of sacrament meeting. The next 30 minutes are a game of keeping her from crawling under, over, and around the bench, keeping her occupied, and guessing what toys to bring that might have the best luck. Today Sterling's phone--turned off--did the trick for a good ten minutes. Thats a record. My problem is, she doesn't really color yet, or like stickers, and she gets sick of our quiet books in about four seconds. She doesn't really need a snack right then, so they usually end up making more of a mess than anything. Today she fell backwards off the bench and onto the floor (not very far, just from where we were sitting) and once she calmed down the dad in front of us turned around and said his kids did that so often him and his wife called it the 'disappearing-kid-trick' haahaa. Not to mention that Sterling usually spends the next hour-while I teach the 12 year olds-walking the floors of the gym with her, and I spend the next hour-while he leads the senior primary in singing time-walking the halls with her. I was SO EXCITED to be able to finally have a calling that allowed me to go to Relief Society. But that is already a dead dream. Sigh. So...any good suggestions?
Other than that Ruthie is so cute lately. She keeps herself pretty much occupied playing around the house, she can go up the stairs by herself, except going down she has to yell at me to come sit her down, and then she'll go down just fine, silly girl. She has a hard time sharing with her cousin Devaney and the little girl I babysit, Olivia, but they do pretty well for the most part. Her eating habits go on and off--some days she'll eat everything fabulously, and the next day she turns up her nose at everything. She is pretty much completely weaned from the bottle. When she gets extremely fussy sometimes I will pull one out with a couple ounces to get her to sleep, but that is more of a crutch for me than anything else.
I just pulled out all the clothes the next size up for her, and they are toddler clothes, not baby clothes, and it is SO SAD! So cute, but so sad. I can't believe how big she is. Oh, and she also LOVES our new tub. She loves that I only fill it up with enough water so she can lay back her head and splash around like she is swimming. She smiles and laughs and laughs. So cute.
Now, you probably are terribly sick of my beautiful baby rant, especially since she is MY daughter, and not yours. But someday, when I catch up on her baby book(before Christmas!), this info will be super useful.
Lindsay--the worst time ever at church is the period of time between when your child learns to walk and they go to nursery. There is no good advice for this. You just have to suffer through it. Good luck.
That WAS beautiful light in the mountains . And your baby IS beautiful. And I think her pigtails are super cute too.
As for the church thing, ummmm, same as Kami-- welcome to the rest of your life. (or at least the next 12? years while you have babies)
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