Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Best Ever

Sometimes I think I am incredibly spoiled. Other times I KNOW I am incredibly spoiled. Today was one of those days. It was a REALLY good day at work. My sister Megan was AWESOME and picked Ruth up (because her son had an ortho appt in Ogden) and dropped Ruth off (because her daughter had soccer practice) so I didn't have to drive back and forth from Morgan twice today. Which was awesome. Plus, my daughter LOVES her, so that always makes the work day away from her better. PLUS, she gave me a big bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup to take home for dinner which is especially amazing when you've been at work all day and you are contemplating frozen burritos to feed your family. It tasted MARVELOUS.

THEN, my husband went to take a test and Ruthie had a marvelous time in the tub. I sat outside the tub, but by the end you would've thought I had been inside the tub. She was a little crazy-spaz and we had a GREAT time. It's always so sad when you pick your daughter up at 5:30, feed her until 6 ish, give her a bath, and by 6:50 her eyelids are closing on their own accord. That is NOT enough mother/daughter time for one day. But it always helps when she is a happy girl and I can thoroughly enjoy the hour.

THEN, my husband came home from his test and got me mozzarella sticks from Arby's and an oreo grasshopper shake from Jake's. It was heavenly. Divine. Just the perfect way to end a perfect day.

THEN, to top it all off my husband let me buy tickets to the Savior of the World at the Conference Center the week before Christmas. Now I am just so EXCITED! He's been once and I've been once, on different dates, but we both really liked it and are really excited to see it again.

Oh yeah, Sterling also took out the trash. And he kissed me. Lots. Before he turned back to his research proposal. Sigh. Best. Husband. Ever.

I've relapsed recently, I guess I've gotten past the SUPER tired part of pregnancy and I'm just at the kinda-tired-always part. But it means I can't go to bed without my husband again. Its hard. And I don't like it. And I do stuff like ramble on my blog instead. I should be doing something constructive, but its too late for that.

Oh, and my little brother broke his ankle. Nice.

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