Sunday, December 30, 2012

Baby Shower--in NOVEMBER

Clear back in NOVEMBER we had a baby shower for me and my sister Andrea. She is due in March, just four weeks or so after me. My amazing sister Amy planned the shower for when she'd be visiting from Arizona, and it was awesome! I didn't pull out my camera, so I finally stole these pictures from my mom.
This is my AWESOME roommate from college, Kelsey. She is also a dental hygienist (she was just a year behind me in the program) and is expecting in March...I just went to her shower on Saturday! So excited for her!
Andrea and her friend.
Chantelle, Jennica, Meagan, Lindsay Ann, Megan, Amy
Olivia, Jack, Natalie, Preston, Kaden (on Meagan's lap)
I LOVE Natalie's blue eyes!

Aleesha gave me a wrap that I am super excited to try!

I put this picture and the next pictures on this post for my sister Andrea's benefit...she likes to steal my pictures and these are for her.

All the girls (we missed you Kami and Kayli and Brooke!): My mom, Andrea, Amy, Megan, Lindsay Ann, myself. Jack-Jack and Harriet also decided to be in the picture, aren't Harriet's curls the cutest EVER?
Trains and more trains, I LOVE this print! Thanks mom!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Lindsay, I am due 3 weeks after you.