Friday, March 22, 2013

$3 Find

The other day at Kid to Kid I picked up that bluejean jumper she has on. I love it so much more on, than I did at the store, and I'm so happy I spent the three bucks on it! What a cutie pants. (She's wearing my headband around her neck, its her latest fashion trend.)

Other than that, life is wet and sometimes snowy and I am so excited for this "warm spring" that they keep predicting. Even more excited that in a couple weeks I'll have the ok to take Will out in public and I can start making good use of the awesome present my in-laws gave me for my birthday---a pass to the Treehouse Museum, can't wait!!! Will seems so big and chubby these days I have to keep reminding myself how tiny he is. Also excited for Will to stop eating so often. He's a boy that loves his food. And the instant he wakes up is the same instant he should be fed or he will definitely make his presence known. Will is also a super snuggly baby and loves to be cuddled and held. So much fun.Yesterday I declared a 'snow day'--we had some snow, in the morning--and I basically cuddled with him and Ruthie all day long. Best ever.

Also excited for Christmas. There's this dump truck on sale and I want to get it SO BAD for Will's Christmas present. Sterling hasn't let me get it yet, cause he thinks I won't be able to wait. But Will won't even be playing with toys by Christmas anyway, so I don't know why I'd pull it out early. Plus, then all we'd have to worry about is Ruth's present, and unless something major changes between then and now (like I decide to get it for her birthday instead) then I already know what I'm getting for her too. I get so excited about kids toys. Gotta enjoy this as much as possible because I am not a great present person, but kids and toys are the best.

And that pretty much sums our little life.

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