Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Attempt at Wifehood Cooking Waste #1

I tried to make mom's chocolate cake and chocolate icing today. Icing turned out fabulous---but really...butter, icing sugar, cocoa, etc....where can you go wrong? The cake, on the other hand, had some serious issues. Waste of my life. Complete waste of my life. Only worth eating because of the delicious icing on top. I really don't understand though. Mom thinks I'm having issues because I have dark pans. Well, why did anyone give me dark pans for my wedding then, if the world knows that they don't work? Obviously, because they are not all stupendously amazing cooks like my mother. She also says that she LOVES gas stoves, but then I don't think she realizes that we NEVER HAD ONE when I was living in her house. Don't understand them. Can't figure it out. So. The cake was cooked, not burned, but it didn't raise up like mom's does and become all light and fluffy. It was just kinda....blah. Pretty much this means that my attempts at wifehood cooking should just be stopped until I graduate and can really focus on culinary delicacies.

On a brighter note, I was craving potato pancakes and hot dogs....and they tasted WONDERFULLY. But then again, really, how can someone mess up with potato pancakes and hot dogs? So its not really much of an accomplishment. Sterling liked the potato pancakes though, which is good...because I crave them pretty regularly. Oh wait. Potatoes are my favorite food. I crave anything with potatoes in it pretty regularly.

On an even brighter note, there are some aspects of wifehood that I excel at. That would be cleaning. And laundry. And ironing. Now, to set the record straight, I do not love ironing. At all. I try my best to be right on time when the dryer finishes so I can pull out the important shirts, shake them, and hang them up...convincing myself that they are thereby unwrinkled. Also, my LEAST favorite household chore is putting away folded clothes. I don't mind folding, and I don't mind everything else....but I don't like putting them away. Which means sometimes we have piles that sit there. But not very often, because Sterling is usually a gem and puts everything away for me. As for cleaning, I enjoy it because I enjoy the finished product so much. Its become a little less enjoyable lately since I do housekeeping at a hotel for a job...but that will soon be over. Maybe thats why I enjoy dental hygiene so much---its cleaning, and its very rewarding to see the finished product!

Now, I need to go have a serious conversation with my anesthesia textbook. I told Sterling that earlier, and he asked if we needed a DTR (this is a Young Single Adult term for "defining the relationship" and I always thought that was stupid, because really, if you have to have that conversation, than it probably isn't going anywhere), and I told him I already knew where I stood with my anesthesia book...and he got an angry---well, its Sterling, so slightly annoyed---look on his face and said that he'd talk to that book, and he'd tell that book exactly what was what! I thought it was funny. Especially when he brought up the fact that compared to Murphy(they had a chat the other day) my anesthesia book wouldn't know what had hit it. Haahaa!

And now, for your enjoyment, more pics!


Kami said...

Love the pictures! And by the way, I have dark pans and have never had an issue with them. I don't know what happened with you. Hee. Hee. Mom complains about my dark pans every time she comes to my house. But like I said, no complaints from me. I like them.

Kayli said...

What an amazingly fantastic photographer you guys were lucky to have!

And what's not to understand about gas stoves?!! I love them! You turn them on, and voila--heat! You turn them off, and voila---no heat! Here, I always burn stuff because I turn it up, put the food in too soon and it's not hot enough yet, so then I leave it in too long, and turn up the heat, and then it's too hot by the time it actually gets heated up and everything is burned. ruff.