Monday, November 24, 2008

Final Patient Exam and $1.64 was immensely stressful. Well, I was super stressed BEFORE, but when I actually got to the exam it wasn't so bad. I was so nervous though that I didn't eat lunch, and as soon as my patient walked out the door it just hit me, and I was HUNGRY!

My patient was my sister-in-law Lindsay Ann, which was only a little confusing. I had to double check everything on the computer statements to make sure it was the right Lindsay in every slot. Then when I was taking x-rays, Prof. M came over and said "Lindsay, you're supposed to put the patient's name on the x-ray, not yours." Haahaa, it was my patient's name!!!!

If you read my sister's blogs, you have read posts on the greatness of Lindsay Ann, now it is my turn to praise her eternal goodness! She was so calm through the entire exam, a great patient, her mouth was PERFECT! I felt just like a 6 mos. appt has been explained to me---localized marginal gingivitis, calculus on the lingual lower anteriors, healthy gingiva, and great oral hygiene habits---nothing that was out of whack or really scary to throw me off, but(since she hasn't been to a dentist in over 2 yrs) enough calculus and stuff that it was different than working on another DH student. So awesome. She was good at telling me when things hurt(I think...I hope she was always telling me) and really good at asking questions and being interested, so that I had lots and lots to write in my chart about OHI and feel like I covered an interesting basis(which is good, they hate it when its all normal stuff). I only finished her LL quad, but I feel like I was doing pretty good, cause I got everything else completed and I feel like I really covered it. Plus, probing felt 100% better than on my mock patient, and scaling wasn't too bad. Still feel like I can work on that one a bit, but at least I knew what I was all about.

So with that over, my other exciting news: I finally got a letter. It was posted on Oct. 28th. I hate Brazilian mail.

Other exciting news: With my 5 cent rewards at Smiths, I filled up today COMPLETELY FULL for TWENTY DOLLARS! Yes..that is $1.64. No joke. I am loving life. I will come visit you more often Leeshy, with prices like that!

Other exciting news: FHE tonight is Thanksgiving Dinner. No worries mom, I will be fed.

Other exciting news: Tomorrow is the last day of school before Thanksgiving Break, and THEN only a week of finals before CHRISTMAS! SO EXCITING!

That is all my news, thanks for listening.

1 comment:

Aleesha Burke said...

PLEEEAAAASSE come visit me!! I loved that you came Sunday!