Tuesday, November 25, 2008


There is one sure way to tell when college students are nearing the end of a semester and finals are looming in the distance. Let me explain with a story:

After a nice, big meal of Thanksgiving Dinner provided at FHE to the young single adults(which was actually not very tasty at all, but really, when you do fake potatoes for a Thanksgiving dinner? Come on guys) I headed home to study for an anatomy test. I really wasn't in studying mode quite yet, but I had gotten through the first column of cranial nerves and was somewhat focusing and then focusing on my roommates phone conversation, which was fairly interesting. The time is now 8:20ish.
11:45 I wake up and realize that I never got further than that in studying. So, I take out my contacts and move from couch to bed. Didn't even bother to take my clothes off. Thinking that I'd study in the morning for my test, instead of going to the gym, I fall quickly back to sleep. I wake up just in time to make it to my 7:00 class, and have about twenty minutes to study inbetween my two classes.

Good thing I remember so much from Pathophysiology and Biomed, or I would've been in big trouble--as it was I remembered the order of everything, and the quiz was a breeze. Unfortunately, as much sleep as I got, it was not very refreshing, so I'm still very much looking forward to Thanksgiving Break!!!

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